Book review of Las leyes de la Economía de Dani Rodrik
Autores: Aznar, Antonio (Universidad de Zaragoza. Departamento de Análisis Económico, Facultad de Economía y Empresa. Gran Vía, 2. 5005 Zaragoza)
JEL: B41
Keywords: A better story, contextual thinking, humility, navigating among models, universal theories
Through the book that is commented in this note Rodrick maintains that there is too much to criticize in economics but there is also much to appreciate. Economists have failed when they tried to look to economics for universal explanations or prescriptions that apply regardless of context. But they have been successful when they tried to expand the library of models and to improve the mapping between these models and the real word. In this note some aspects of this proposal are commented formulating some critical points in the last part of it.