Should Economic Policy be separate from Macroeconomics in Syllabus?
Autores: Benítez-Aurioles, Beatriz (Universidad de Málaga. Departamento de Economía Aplicada (Hacienda Pública, Política Económica, y Economía Política). Calle Ejido, 6. 29013 Málaga. España.)
The current university syllabuses in Economics are the result of the evolution of the subject itself and of historical and institutional factors that have conditioned its configuration. In the particular case of Spain, they are characterized, among other elements, by the recognition of Macroeconomics and Economic Policy as separate subjects. However, an analysis of its content shows that Macroeconomics incorporates topics on economic policy instruments, and Economic Policy uses theoretical frameworks that are common in Macroeconomics. The problem is compounded by the frequent use of Macroeconomics manuals that are designed for educational systems in which Economic Policy is not taught independently. In these conditions it is pertinent to ask whether it is convenient to keep both subjects separate in the syllabuses. This paper provides evidence to articulate an answer.