An excellent guide to explain Welfare and Social Protection Economics: Review of the book El bienestar desigual, by G. López-Casanovas, Editorial Península Atalaya, 2015, 345 pp.
Autores: Cantarero Prieto, David (Universidad de Cantabria)
During the last years, several publications about the welfare state and its reforms have been released and they have come to be basic to understand the present and future of the in developed countries. However, the book "Unequal welfare: what remains of rights and social benefits after the crisis" by Guillem López- Casasnovas is one of the most important contributions in this field of interest. It stands out from other works by the detailed review about the possible policies and their effects for a welfare system to be more efficient and fair. In this paper the main elements of this book are analyzed, some possible teaching examples are suggested and the proposals that are introduced by the author are discussed.