A brief summary on the book Las políticas de austeridad: efectos del Real Decreto-Ley 16/1012, de 20 de abril, en España, by José and Ignacio Picatoste and M. Asunción López Arranz
Autores: Ruiz Dorado, María (Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha (UCLM). Área de Derecho Constitucional, Facultad de Derecho y Ciencias Sociales de Ciudad Real.)
Keywords: health, Immigration, policies of austerity, RD-L 16/2012, recession/economic crisis, right to life and integrity
The main objective of the authors of this book, preface written by Fernando González Laxe, has been to carry out an analysis of the effects of austerity economic policies implemented after the economic crisis. Specifically, the authors’ concern has been health policy, paying special attention to the collective of the immigrant population in Spain. The scientific rigor of the treatment, the clarity in the exhibition of contents and the interest in offering an informative synthesis of the results, make of this book a useful tool both to know the subject in question and also for taking advantage of it for educational purposes.